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January 7

Why We Made Sacred Cacao Bliss

Consuming a hot or cold drink using Cacao Bliss can start your day off with a much more grateful and calm attitude.

Raw cacao is one of natures most powerful products. It contains so many nutrients which are beneficial to the human body.

Because it is harvested from regions where the weather can have large extremes, it nurtures within itself adaptogens which can be very health enhancing when we use cacao to make tasty drinks or for adding to some baking dishes.

It has a real calming effect and helps us to relax. That is why if you start off the morning or use it in the evening maybe to sooth the ups and downs of the day’s activities, you will feel the benefits of its calming abilities.

In a drink, it tastes like hot cocoa. It can be drunk either hot or cold. If you feel like you need something to hit the ground running but in a much more relaxed mood, then this natural product may be just what you are looking for.



I hope the video helped you in some way. I’m really happy you were able to see it. I hope you got a thing or two good out of it.

I’m the creator of AntiAgingBlast, Bill Hildebrand, I can’t help myself about admitting… I like to talk to folks about anti-aging methods!

Lots of people are anxious about aging concerns, however they seem lost as to how to solve aging issues. There are many things that can enhance reducing the effects of aging.

There are 6 major life factors that when done on a daily basis can really delay aging symptoms. Even though some of these may seem relatively irrelevant, I promise to show you details right around the corner here. I hope you’re not shocked at these!

The 6 secrets are: invest in a pair of large sunglasses, spend time with your friends, stay active with exercise, eat foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, keep your foods colorful, change your thinking of old.

OK, here are the details I promised earlier.

Make some quality time with friends… Very often we find that our hectic schedules cause us to neglect our social life. Having a social life, however, may contribute lots of ways to better aging. Research shows that our being stressed can cause damage to skin cells, leading to premature lines in your face. One of the benefits of spending time with friends is it help us lower our stress threshold. Your immune system can also be compromised by increased stress, increasing your chances for illness. Not good amigo!

Old Can Just Be A State of Mind… The word “old” can certainly mean different things to different people depending on their circumstances. After all, who gets to decide what the right definition of old is in the first place. If you have a positive attitude thinking young will give you a real step in the right direction. Don’t go around worrying about so called “senior moments” or limitations you might have. Many of these things can be reversed with some simple steps. By dwelling on things as negative they eventually become your reality. Focus on what you are currently capable of and work toward solving the rest with what you can learn here on this website. Just remember, age is simply a number.

Stay Active… It’s no secret that as you age your metabolism slows down. Getting at least
thirty minutes of activity a day increases your metabolism but can also help to increase bone density putting you at a lower risk of bone injuries as you age. Simple steps such as resistance exercises and some good brisk walking can go a long way toward slowing down the aging process. Put a plan together, OK!

Purchase a large pair of sunglasses… By wearing the larger glasses, you will ultimately insulate more of the very sensitive thin skin around your eyes from the devastating sun’s UV rays. In addition, the larger shades will help you to not squint as much, thus helping to reduce not only wrinkles around the eyes but also on your forehead.

Keep Your Diet Colorful: We are presented constantly with foods in all kinds of venues like the market, restaurants, cafeterias, that are huge contributors to the aging process. What many people aren’t aware of is that there are also many delicious foods out there that you can grow or purchase at the farmers market that can do the opposite. Foods like kale, broccoli, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, and plums are all rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can promote healthy aging. Some of these nutrients include alpha lipoic acid, carotenoids (including vitamin A, ß-carotene, lycopene, astaxanthin, and retinol), CoQ10, glutathione, polyphenols, and vitamins C, D, and E.

Eat Food That is High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids… A study done by Ohio State University shows these foods can help everything from your joints, eyesight, and hair growth to making your skin look supple and improving your heart and immune functions. You can increase your intake of foods such as seeds, nuts, sardines, or salmon. If you want to take a supplement, fish oil capsules are a good choice. Make it a high-quality product however.

OK, so that I don’t get classified as a bad boy, I need to make known this disclaimer language to stay in conformity with fed regulations concerning website content. Even though I have spent my entire working life in some aspect of the medical field and have been a student of natural health, exercise, aging, and other aspects of health for a long time, I am not a doctor or a licensed health professional. Therefore, anything I post on this website is just my opinion and the videos are curated from numerous sources as simply a way to make available some information. Nothing on this site should be taken as medical advice. You should always work with your personal physician or other health professional about exercise programs, diets, or any other health issues.

Because of my strong desire to help people lead a healthy life, I felt it was necessary to put together a site where I could provide a bundle of videos that would motivate you, or maybe just tickle your fancy a little concerning the very much talked about topic of anti-aging. It’s not only the so called boomers who are interested in ways to both younger than there current age. The health topic has peaked interest from younger generations as well and rightfully so since the earlier we can put in place some of the healthful habits, the easier it will be to slow the aging process.

There is plenty of proof available today to prove that we have the ability to prevent, slow down, and in some cases even reverse parts of the aging dilemma. The avenues of plastic surgery and injections of serums have been the preferred choice by some, but those choices come at a rather high cost and certainly not without some dangers.

There are various natural methods for accomplishing these feats. Most are not very expensive, painful or difficult. That’s nice to know, but where do I find these methods to solve my problems? That is why my goal here at Anti Aging Blast is to consolidate as much information under one roof… so to speak… so that you can come here knowing you can find new information on almost a daily basis.

This is where the rubber meets the road. The only way that you are going to see better results is if you put some of the suggestions into action. Nothing just happens by chance. Take a deep breath and just simply go for it and you will be amazed.

Were you able to pull some things from this video that you can get some value from? This was one reason I pulled all these videos together on this site. I wanted to present worthwhile, action-oriented info that would allow you to reduce, prevent, or even set back some of the aging signs that make you unhappy.

One of my favorite thoughts would be to know that you found a gem here on our site that you can use in your fight to look and feel younger. If you think that you got some value from this video we would be very happy if you would share it with friends on Facebook and if you have a Twitter account, there to if you want.

I hope you will visit often and that you like what you see. We put new videos on the site on a regular basis. Before you head out, could I ask you just one more thing.? Please let us know what your thoughts are about the site. We are hoping that your time here was well spent and you got some value from it. If so would you let us know with a comment below? We would love to know what you think because it can help us make the site even better.

Thank you for visiting us and please do return soon. Have a great day from the AntiAgingBlast team here at Your friends at AntiAgingBlast


antioxidants, benefits, cacao, cacao beans, cacao benefits, cacao health, cacao nibs, chocolate, cocoa, cocoa bean (ingredient), cocoa beans, cocoa solids (ingredient), diet (industry), Drew Canole, FitLifeTV, health, healthy habits, holistic nutrition, juicing, juicing recipes, juicing vegetables, magnesium, natural, nutrition, Organic, raw, raw cacao, raw cacao health benefits, raw food, raw food diet, superfoods, vegan, vitamins, wild

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