There can be side effects when practicing intermittent fasting but Yuri will show you how to handle them and how to avoid when possible.
What Yuri will explain in this video is that most of these side effects are actually psychological. That doesn’t mean they are not serious it just means that you will handle them in a specific way or he will tell you how to avoid them before they happen.
In case you are not real familiar with intermittent fasting, we are not talking about anything like fasting for 20-30 days. Nothing like that. At most 1 day a week and you can even do a little as 16 hours to get great health benefits.
In most cases, if you are a relatively healthy person, and don’t suffer from certain disease conditions, you will not experience any of these side effects.
What you may get out of practicing intermittent fasting, however, is a much better understanding of why you eat the way you do and why you eat certain foods. This can help you eat in a much healthier style.
As usual, Yuri teaches in a detailed enough way to understand the underlying causes of things without making you feel guilty.
I really hope you got some value from the video. Pretty cool right? I thought it was!
I’m the creator of AntiAgingBlast, Bill Hildebrand, and I must admit… anti-aging gets me excited and I hope it does that for you too!
A lot of people would like to do something about aging, although they just don’t have an idea what to do about it. There are many things that can promote anti-aging solutions.
There are 6 major life factors that when done regularly can really reduce aging symptoms. Don’t get crazy, even if some sound minor, I will give you more details right here. Get primed, here they come!
The 6 tips are: invest in a pair of large sunglasses, spend time with your friends, stay active with exercise, eat foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, keep your foods colorful, change your thinking of old.
Now then, as affirmed, the particulars to help these make more sense.
Keep Your Diet Colorful: We are presented constantly with foods in all kinds of venues like the market, restaurants, cafeterias, that are huge contributors to the aging process. What many people aren’t aware of is that there are also many delicious foods out there that you can grow or purchase at the farmers market that can do the opposite. Foods like kale, broccoli, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, and plums are all rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can promote healthy aging. Some of these nutrients include alpha lipoic acid, carotenoids (including vitamin A, ß-carotene, lycopene, astaxanthin, and retinol), CoQ10, glutathione, polyphenols, and vitamins C, D, and E.
Purchase a large pair of sunglasses… By wearing the larger glasses, you will ultimately insulate more of the very sensitive thin skin around your eyes from the harmful sun’s UV rays. In addition, the larger shades will help you to not squint as much, thus helping to lower not only wrinkles around the eyes but also on your forehead.
Spend time with your friends… Oftentimes we find our schedules to be so hectic that we
neglect to make time for a social life. However, having a social life can help you age better in
many ways. The biggest thing making time for friends will accomplish is lowering your stress
level. Studies have shown that being stressed out damages your skin cells, which leads to
premature lines. Stress can also lower your immune system leading you to a more likely chance
of becoming ill. Yuck!
Make sure your diet includes plenty of foods that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids… Foods such as seeds, nuts, sardines, and fatter fish like salmon are great choices. If you also want a supplement, you can find a high-quality fish oil product. Research done at Ohio State University demonstrates that eating these types of foods can help your eyesight, strengthen hair growth, help your joints, make your skin softer, and improve both your heart and immune systems.
Stay Active… It’s no secret that as you age your metabolism slows down. Getting at least
thirty minutes of activity a day increases your metabolism but can also help to increase bone density putting you at a lower risk of bone injuries as you age. Simple steps such as resistance exercises and some good brisk walking can go a long way toward slowing down the aging process. Put a plan together, OK!
Old Can Just Be A State of Mind… The word “old” can certainly mean different things to different people depending on their circumstances. After all, who gets to decide what the right definition of old is in the first place. If you have a positive attitude thinking young will give you a real step in the right direction. Don’t go around worrying about so called “senior moments” or limitations you might have. Many of these things can be reversed with some simple steps. By dwelling on things as negative they eventually become your reality. Focus on what you are currently capable of and work toward solving the rest with what you can learn here on this website. Just remember, age is simply a number.
It’s time, so that I don’t disobey current government regulations related to public notification, I need to make you appraised of this disclaimer language. Even though I have spent almost 40 years in the healthcare space with my career and have dedicated myself to learning and studying natural health methods to promote a healthy lifestyle, I want to make it crystal clear that I am not a licensed practicing physician or health practitioner of any sort. The text and videos that you find on this website are honestly a way for me to give you with a lot of information in one convenient location. Some of it is based on my overall knowledge of the subjects but is still just my beliefs. I curate the videos from many venues and the information there is naturally the opinion of every presenter. Please do not interpret anything you hear on this site to be medical advice. When it comes to any area of personal health issues, diets, or exercise programs, you should always first consult with your personal doctor.
Because of my overwhelming desire to help people lead a healthy life, I felt it was imperative to put together a site where I could provide a large amount of information that would educate, maybe make you smile, stimulate, motivate, provoke interest, or maybe just tickle your fancy a little concerning the very hot topic of anti-aging. I know a lot of the baby boomer generation and even many younger people are interested in uncovering ways to look and feel younger. Maybe it is vanity for some but I hope mostly it is because they are concerned about their overall physical health as well because that is where the thought processes should really be.
Science has certainly proven that the aging process can be slowed down or in some areas even reversed. A few people have taken the action of surgery or injections to accomplish this but they are expensive and have serious risks involved.
Solving these aging problems involve various approaches but most of them can be done using natural methods. Most are not expensive, painful or difficult. That’s all well and good, but you still have to find just how to put the methods into practice. The place is right here in front of you. My purpose for putting together this website was to bring as much fresh information together at one location so you could always know that you can come to this website over and over and get the most current information about the topic of anti-aging.
We’ve come to that critical point in time If you don’t put some of the tips you have found on this site to use, nothing will happen. Not a thing happens by chance Take a deep breath and just simply go for it and you will be amazed.
Have you gotten some real value from this video? I hope so. That is why I brought this site together. I wanted to present worthwhile, action-oriented educational information that would allow you to reduce, prevent, or even set back some of the aging signs that make you frustrated.
I would really feel elated if I knew that you were able to grab a tidbit from this or another video here on Anti Aging Blast and were able to make it work for you as an anti-aging help. We would be forever grateful if you feel like you received some benefit from the post, that you would share the post with your family on FB and on Twitter if you have an account.
Don’t be a stranger, come back and visit us often. The site is given fresh videos regularly so please try to visit us again soon. Please don’t leave until you do one more thing for us. Please tell us if you had a good experience or not here at Anti Aging Blast. We are very interested to know what your impression is of our site and whether you received some value from your visit. Please leave a short comment to tell us how you did. We would love to know what you think because it can help us make the site even better.
We look forward to your next visit so thanks for being here now. Goodbye, farewell, from the team here at