Easy recipe using 4 all natural ingredients that can be used to quickly fade your stretch marks.
Here is another all natural recipe for helping you stay younger looking and attractive.
All that’s needed is some sugar, lemon juice, almond oil, and coconut oil. You probably have most of these in your home right now.
You will simply mix them the first 3 up and rub on the affected areas. Take a hot shower afterward, and then rub the extra virgin coconut oil on and leave for the night. You will soon start to see the stretch marks fading.
It is advised that since you are using lemon juice that you do not go out in the sun the next day if possible.
One more suggestion was to take vitamin E supplements since they are excellent at helping to keep your skin healthy and vibrant. They also give you some advice for preventing stretch marks which is nice.
Simple, all natural, and inexpensive. What more could you ask for? Take a look.
I certainly hope you got some value from the video. Pretty enlightening right? I thought so!
I’m the creator of AntiAgingBlast, Bill Hildebrand, I can’t help myself about admitting… I like to talk to people about anti-aging tips!
Lots of people are anxious about aging concerns, however they don’t have any thoughts about what they can do about it. There are many things that can promote anti-aging solutions.
There are 6 major life factors that when done on a daily basis can really slow down aging symptoms. Don’t get crazy, even if some sound minor, I will give you more details right here. Are you primed, because here they are!
These 6 factors are: stay active with an exercise plan, eat different foods that have high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, spend fun times with your friends, invest in a large pair of sunglasses, eat a diet with lots of colorful foods, refine your opinion about age.
Okay, these are the details I told you I would give you before.
Keep Your Diet Colorful: We are presented constantly with foods in all kinds of venues like the market, restaurants, cafeterias, that are huge contributors to the aging process. What many people aren’t aware of is that there are also many delicious foods out there that you can grow or purchase at the farmers market that can do the opposite. Foods like kale, broccoli, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, and plums are all rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can promote healthy aging. Some of these nutrients include alpha lipoic acid, carotenoids (including vitamin A, ß-carotene, lycopene, astaxanthin, and retinol), CoQ10, glutathione, polyphenols, and vitamins C, D, and E.
Purchase a large pair of sunglasses… By wearing the larger glasses, you will ultimately shield more of the very sensitive thin skin around your eyes from the devastating sun’s UV rays. In addition, the larger shades will help you to not squint as much, thus helping to reduce not only wrinkles around the eyes but also on your forehead.
Take time to hang out with some good friends… Our crazy schedules often interfere with us having a social life. Some research studies have shown the damaging effects of high stress levels as they relate to aging. One of these is skin cell damage that can cause early aging lines on your face. Enjoying some fun times with friends can many times reduce the amount of stress we feel. Another detrimental effect of stress can be lowering the effectiveness of our immune system, thus subjecting us to possible diseases. That is not good my friend! So as you can see, taking some time for a social life can contribute to a more positive aging process.
Eat Food That is High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids… A study done by Ohio State University shows these foods can help everything from your joints, eyesight, and hair growth to making your skin look supple and improving your heart and immune functions. You can increase your intake of foods such as seeds, nuts, sardines, or salmon. If you want to take a supplement, fish oil capsules are a good choice. Make it a high-quality product however.
Put some vigorous step in your day… I think we all know that as we get older our metabolism starts to slow down. That doesn’t have to be the case. If you will find about a half hour each day for an activity that gets you moving some, you can not only increase your metabolism but even increase your bone density. This will go a long way in helping to prevent a bone injury in your future. These activities can be as simple as taking a nice fast walk and /or doing some resistance type exercises that you can perform almost anywhere. They will definitely help slow down that aging process. Make a plan for doing that now and you will be looking younger in no time.
Change Your Opinion Of Old… Who decides what the formal definition of what old means. The word can have many different meanings depending on the context. Don’t degrade yourself by talking about your “senior moments” or the things you can no longer do. Having a positive attitude and a good mental outlook is half the battle. When you tell yourself that you are old and can’t do things, it becomes the truth. Instead, focus on all the things you can do and remember, age is just a number.
Alright, I have to show you a little disclaimer language here just to keep the government happy. For almost over 40 years I have worked in the healthcare field both as a Medical Technologist and a medical sales representative. I have also been a student and self-practicing person of natural health as it concerns my habits. Having said all of that, I am NOT a doctor or a legally licensed health practitioner of any kind. Therefore, anything I say on this website is absolutely just my opinion and the videos are curated from a number of sources as simply a way to make available some information. Do not misunderstand that anything you listen to or read on this website to be medical advice. It is strictly there for the convenience of giving you a central place to find information about the topic of anti-aging. If you have questions about any type of healthcare issue, whether that involves dieting, weight loss, exercise, or any other personal health concern, always consult with your personal physician or other healthcare professional.
The area of anti-aging seems to be a hot topic with many individuals today, maybe because a large part of the population in the US is getting older. I happen to fall into that older age group. One of the reasons I wanted to provide this website, Anti Aging Blast was to put together as much information as a convenience to you about the topic. I hope you will find it useful, helpful, fun, educational, and maybe even blows your mind. No matter what, I really just hope you like it and you will return often. I know a lot of the baby boomer generation and even many younger people are interested in finding out ways to look and feel younger. Maybe it is vanity for some but I hope mostly it is because they are concerned about their overall physical health as well because that is where the activity should really be.
Science has certainly proven that the aging process can be delayed or in some areas even reversed. Numbers of people have taken the avenue of surgery or injections to look younger but they are expensive and have serious risks involved.
These anti-aging methods can be accomplished in many cases using totally natural methods. Most are not very expensive, painful or difficult. But you need to be able to get a hold of the information so you can implement it. The answer is right here in front of you. My purpose for putting together this website was to bring as much up to date information together at one location so you could always know that you can come here over and over and get the most up to date information about the topic of anti-aging.
The time has come to take action. The only way that you are going to see better results is if you put some of the tips and tricks into action. Not a thing happens by chance You have to implement and take some action.
Did you learn something or were you given some good ideas by the information in this video? This was one reason I pulled all these videos together on this site. I wanted to present worthwhile, action-oriented educational information that would allow you to reduce, prevent, or even set back some of the aging signs that make you unhappy.
One of my favorite outcomes would be to know that you found a gem here on our site that you can use in your actions to look and feel younger. If indeed you were able to get some help here on our website, we would be most thankful if you would share it with your other people on Facebook and possibly even on Twitter.
I hope you will visit often and that you like what you see. The site is added to regularly so please try to come back and visit us again soon. Before you head out, could I ask you just one more thing.? Please tell us how you liked or maybe not our site. If you feel like you have received value, or you found valuable information you can use, or you just like the looks of our site, would you comment about it below? By letting us know what you experienced we can hopefully even make your site visits better.
Thank you for visiting us and please do come back soon. So long for now from Bill and the team members here at Anti Aging Blast.