Totally natural drink recipe to help boost your immune system and fight off colds and flu.
Khichi has a great recipe for a delicious refreshing all-natural drink that will help you boost the effectiveness of your immune system. By doing this you can help prevent catching colds and even the flu.
Just combine either some kale or spinach, the juice of half a lemon, some fresh ginger, and an apple and put in the blender. You can choose to either strain it afterward or just drink it a little thicker and also get the fiber.
These ingredients are all packed with healthy vitamins, especially vitamin C, and a number of minerals that all work to get the immune system kicked into top shape.
Be sure to leave the skin on the apple to get some of the fiber and many of the nutrients are in the skin or close to the surface.
You can enjoy this delicious drink a couple of times a week and hopefully make it through the winter season when all those nasties like cold and flu are making their way through the community.
And there it is! I hope you liked what you saw 🙂 I hope you got some good stuff out of that!
My name is Bill Hildebrand and I am the creator of AntAgingBlast, and I have to admit… I like talking about anti-aging and I hope you do as well!
Many people seem anxious about the effects of aging, however, most don’t have any idea what steps to do for anti-aging. There are a lot of things that can promote limiting aging symptoms.
There are six major life factors that when done on a daily basis can really slow aging symptoms. Don’t get your panties in a wad, even though some may seem trivial I will give more information on them with lots more detail shortly. Get primed, here they come!
These 6 factors are: stay active with a weekly exercise routine, eat different foods that have high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, spend fun times with your friends, purchase a large pair of sunglasses, eat meals with lots of colorful foods, refine your thoughts about age.
OK, here are the particulars I promised earlier.
Eat Natural Foods with Lots of Color… Many of the foods found at your local supermarket are known to speed up aging. It’s too bad but lots of people don’t know that there are also many foods that have the opposite effect. Fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, kale, oranges, plums, strawberries, and blueberries to name a few. They are all full of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that are great for contributing to healthy aging. Some of the nutrients you will find in these foods are carotenoids (like these: vitamin A, B-carotene, retinol, astaxanthin, and lycopene), and alpha lipoic acid. You will also find polyphenols, glutathione, CoQ10 and vitamins such as D, E, and C.
Buy a pair of big sunglasses… Bigger sunglasses shield against the UV sun rays that harm the thin, delicate skin around the eyes and where wrinkles first appear. They also help you to squint less, therefore developing fewer wrinkles around your eyes and even your forehead.
Take time to hang out with some good friends… Our crazy schedules often interfere with us having a social life. Some research studies have shown the damaging effects of high stress levels as they relate to aging. One of these is skin cell damage that can cause early aging lines on your face. Enjoying some fun times with friends can many times reduce the amount of stress we feel. Another detrimental effect of stress can be lowering the effectiveness of our immune system, thus subjecting us to possible diseases. That is not good my friend! So as you can see, taking some time for a social life can contribute to a more positive aging process.
Consume more foods that have been proven to provide high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids… Ohio State University stated in a research study that by increasing these types of foods into your diet, you can see positive results with your joints, increased hair growth, better eyesight, more supple skin, and improvement to your immune and cardiac functions. Some of the foods to look at would be different types of seeds such as pumpkin, chia, flax, and sunflower. Also try some nuts, sardines, and other fatty fish such as salmon. Fish oil supplements can also be a choice but make sure you look for a product with a quality reputation since they can vary in quality immensely.
Get Some Movement in Your Day… It’s quite well established that as you get older your metabolism gets slower. If you will find about 30 minutes each day for some vigorous action, you can increase your metabolism and also help increase the density of your bones, thus decreasing the potential for bone injuries as you age. Doing some simple resistance exercises and going on a fast-paced hike around the neighborhood are a couple of great ways to retard that old aging mechanism. Make yourself a plan for that right now and you’ll notice changes rapidly!
Change Your Opinion Of Old… Who decides what the formal definition of what old means. The word can have many different meanings depending on the context. Don’t degrade yourself by talking about your “senior moments” or the things you can no longer do. Having a positive attitude and a good mental outlook is half the battle. When you tell yourself that you are old and can’t do things, it becomes the truth. Instead, focus on all the things you can do and remember, age is just a number.
Alright, so that I don’t breach current government rules related to public notification, I need to make you aware of this disclaimer language. Even though I have spent my entire career in some aspect of the medical field and have made a study of natural health, exercise, aging, and other facets of health for a long time, I am not a doctor or a licensed health professional. The text and videos that you find on this website are just a way for me to share with you with a lot of information in one convenient location. Some of it is based on my education of the subjects but is still just my beliefs. I curate the videos from many sources and the information there is then the opinion of the individual presenter. Anything that you read or listen to on Anti Aging Blast is simply meant as a service and is in no way intended nor should be acted on as medical advice. You should always consult with your personal physician or other health professional about exercise programs, diets, or any other health issues.
The area of anti-aging seems to be a hot topic with many men and women today, maybe because a large part of the population in the US is getting older. I happen to fall into that age spectrum. One of the reasons I wanted to provide this website, Anti Aging Blast was to bring together as much information as a convenience to you about the topic. I hope you will find it useful, helpful, fun, educational, and maybe even blows your mind. No matter what, I really just hope you like it and you will return often. I know a lot of the baby boomer generation and even many younger people are interested in gathering ways to look and feel younger. Maybe it is vanity for some but I hope mostly it is because they are concerned about their overall physical health as well because that is where the activity should really be.
Science has certainly proven that the aging process can be somewhat delayed or in some areas even reversed. Numbers of people have taken the choice of surgery or injections to look younger but they are expensive and have serious risks involved.
These anti-aging methods can be solved in many cases using totally natural methods. Most are not very expensive, painful or difficult. However, you need to find the information. The solution is right here in front of you. My purpose for putting together this website was to bring as much up to date information together at one location so you could always know that you can come to this website over and over and get the most current information about the topic of anti-aging.
We’ve come to that critical point in time The only way that you are going to see results is if you put some of the tips and tricks into action. There is no chance that something is going to happen all by itself. You are going to have to dig down and get to work.
I do hope you have gotten some good value from the videos you have seen. That is why I brought this site together. To provide practical information that you could use to either prevent, slow down, or reverse signs of aging that you are unhappy about.
I would really feel flattered if I knew that you were able to grab a trick from this or another video here on Anti Aging Blast and were able to make it work for you as an anti-aging help. If you feel like you got some value from this video we would be very happy if you would share it with friends on Facebook and if you have a Twitter account, there to.
We would be very glad to have you come visit us as often as you like. We put new videos daily on the site so come back for fresh info. Hope you’re not heading out yet, but before you do go will you do us one more favor? Please give us some feedback about how you feel about our website. We are very interested to know what your impression is of our site and whether you received some value from your visit. Please leave a short comment to tell us how you did. We will use the information you feedback to us to make improvements to our website.
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