New to Yoga? Start here with How to Do Chaturanga to Upward Dog for Beginners.
Because exercise is a critical part of the anti-aging process, I know a lot of people are getting into yoga as their preferred way to get a workout.
This video was specifically made for someone who is just beginning yoga so that they don’t do something that could cause an injury down the road.
It also might serve as a good way for someone who is not sure if yoga might be right for them to get a short look at what some of the poses might look like…seems like fun to me!
Yoga comes in many forms and usually, most people can find some poses that will work for them. Many times there are specific routines that address specific problems such as for the back, or the neck. Take a look and see what you think.
My name is Bill Hildebrand and I am the creator of AntAgingBlast, and I must admit… I like to speak with people about anti-aging tips!
I find that many people are anxious about the effects of aging, but they seem lost as to how to resolve aging issues. There are many things that can promote anti-aging solutions.
There are 6 major life factors that when done consistently can really slow down aging symptoms. Even though some of these may seem relatively unimportant, I promise to give you details right around the corner here. Are you ready, because here they are! The 6 hacks are: invest in a pair of large sunglasses, spend time with your friends, stay active with exercise, eat foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, keep your diet colorful, change your opinion of old.
As promised, I will go into the reasons in more detail why these 6 hacks work.
Stay Active… It’s no secret that as you age your metabolism slows down. Getting at least
thirty minutes of activity a day increases your metabolism but can also help to increase bone density putting you at a lower risk of bone injuries as you age. Simple steps such as resistance exercises and some good brisk walking can go a long way toward slowing down the aging process. Put a plan together, OK!
Eat Food That is High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids… A study done by Ohio State University shows these foods can help everything from your joints, eyesight, and hair growth to making your skin look supple and improving your heart and immune functions. You can increase your intake of foods such as seeds, nuts, sardines, or salmon. If you want to take a supplement, fish oil capsules are a good choice. Make it a high-quality product, however.
Buy a pair of big sunglasses… Bigger sunglasses offer more protection against the UV sun rays that damage the thin, delicate skin around the eyes and where wrinkles first appear. They also help you to squint less, therefore forming fewer wrinkles around your eyes and even your forehead.
Spend time with your friends… Oftentimes we find our schedules to be so hectic that we
neglect to make time for a social life. However, having a social life can help you age better in
many ways. The biggest thing making time for friends will accomplish is lowering your stress
level. Studies have shown that being stressed out damages your skin cells, which leads to
premature lines. Stress can also lower your immune system leading you to a more likely chance
of becoming ill. Yuck!
Eat Natural Foods with Lots of Color… Many of the foods found at your local supermarket are known to speed up aging. It’s too bad but lots of people don’t know that there are also many foods that have the opposite effect. Fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, kale, oranges, plums, strawberries, and blueberries to name a few. They are all full of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that are great for contributing to healthy aging. Some of the nutrients you will find in these foods are carotenoids (like these: vitamin A, B-carotene, retinol, astaxanthin, and lycopene), and alpha lipoic acid. You will also find polyphenols, glutathione, CoQ10 and vitamins such as D, E, and C.
Change your concept of what old means… Depending on the context, the word old can have many different meanings. Stay positive about yourself and don’t knock yourself down dwelling on what people have defined as “senior moments”. Also don’t get upset that you can’t necessarily do everything the way you used to. Some of that is simply a reality of life. However, you can think positively about what you can do and there are ways to reverse some of the things you may see as negative. Keep watching the videos on this website and you will find some good information related to many anti-aging topics. Besides, who gets to determine what the real definition of old is anyway! Only you can decide that for yourself and take the actions that will help you age gracefully and even slow the process down considerably. After all, isn’t age really just a number?
Alright, I need to provide a bit of disclaimer text so as to stay within current public notification regulations. My whole working life has been inside the healthcare field in one aspect or another. I have also been a student of natural health, the aging phenomenon, fitness and exercise, healthy eating, and other areas within the healthcare arena. However, I am not a physician or a duly licensed healthcare professional of any kind. The text and videos that you find on this website are simply a way for me to provide you with a lot of information in one convenient location. Some of it is based on my knowledge of the subjects but is still just my beliefs. I curate the videos from many sources and the information there is naturally the opinion of the particular presenter. Nothing on this site should be regarded as medical advice. When it comes to any type of personal health issues, diets, or exercise programs, you should always first consult with your personal doctor.
Because of my strong desire to help people lead a healthy life, I felt it was necessary to put together a site where I could provide a bunch of information that would educate, maybe make you smile, stimulate, motivate, provoke interest, or maybe just tickle your fancy a little concerning the very much talked about topic of anti-aging. I know a lot of the baby boomer generation and even many younger people are interested in finding out ways to look and feel younger. Maybe it is vanity for some but I hope mostly it is because they are concerned about their overall health as well because that is where the emphasis should really be.
Science has certainly proven that the aging process can be delayed or in some areas even reversed. Some people have taken the route of surgery or injections to accomplish this but they are expensive and have serious risks involved.
Solving these aging problems involve various approaches but most of them can be done using natural methods. The majority of them are quite simple, not painful at all, and are quite inexpensive. However, you need to find the information. The answer is right here in front of you. My purpose for putting together this website was to bring as much fresh information together at one location so you could always know that you can come here over and over and get the latest information about the topic of anti-aging.
We’ve come to that critical point in time Putting what you have gleaned from this video or another one you have watched will only produce results if you put the knowledge to work. Nothing just happens by chance. You have to implement and take some action.
Were you able to pull something from this video that you can get some value from? That is why I brought this site together. I wanted to present worthwhile, action-oriented info that would allow you to reduce, prevent, or even set back some of the aging signs that make you frustrated.
One of my favorite outcomes would be to know that you found a gem here on our site that you can use in your efforts to look and feel younger. We would be most thankful if you would share this post with friends if you feel like either you got some good info from it or you might know someone who could benefit from it. The FB and Twitter buttons are at the top of the post.
I hope you will return often and that you like what you see. The site is updated regularly so please try to visit us again soon. There is one more favor I would like to ask you before you go. Please tell us if you had a good experience or not here at Anti Aging Blast. We are hoping that your time here was well spent and you got some value from it. If so would you let us know with a comment below? We will use the information you feedback to us to make improvements to our website.
We would like to say thanks for coming to see us and hope you will return soon. So long for now from Bill and the team here at Anti Aging Blast.