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November 30

A little exercise goes a long way, helps brain function and immune system function


Get out and get moving to stimulate brain function and boost your immune system for overall better health.

This video is just over a minute in length but the message is very stimulating and important.

Dr. Bergman just really talks about how getting out even for a nice brisk walk for 30-40 minutes can do wonders to help stimulate brain function and make our immune system more active and alert.

Can’t beat that. You don’t have to go to the gym and sweat for hours to get a healthy workout that can give you health benefits.

Take a quick listen and see what he has to say.



I truly hope you got some value from the video. Pretty cool right? I thought so!

I’m Bill, the creator of AntiAgingBlast, and I can’t help but admit… anti-aging methods really excite me!

I know that many people are worried about the effects of aging, but they just don’t know what to do about it. There are many things that can promote anti-aging solutions.

There are 6 major life factors that when done consistently can really reduce aging symptoms. Don’t panic, some of these may sound trivial but I will describe in detail in a minute. Get ready, here they come!

The 6 tips are: invest in a pair of large sunglasses, spend time with your friends, stay active with exercise, eat foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, keep your diet colorful, change your thoughts of old.

As promised, I will go into the reasons in more detail why these 6 hacks work.

Take time to hang out with some good friends… Our crazy schedules often interfere with us having a social life. Some research studies have shown the damaging effects of high stress levels as they relate to aging. One of these is skin cell damage that can cause early aging lines on your face. Enjoying some fun times with friends can many times reduce the amount of stress we feel. Another detrimental effect of stress can be lowering the effectiveness of our immune system, thus subjecting us to possible diseases. That is not good my friend! So as you can see, taking some time for a social life can contribute to a more positive aging process.

Old Can Just Be A State of Mind… The word “old” can certainly mean different things to different people depending on their circumstances. After all, who gets to decide what the right definition of old is in the first place. If you have a positive attitude thinking young will give you a real step in the right direction. Don’t go around worrying about so called “senior moments” or limitations you might have. Many of these things can be reversed with some simple steps. By dwelling on things as negative they eventually become your reality. Focus on what you are currently capable of and work toward solving the rest with what you can learn here on this website. Just remember, age is simply a number.

Put some vigorous step in your day… I think we all know that as we get older our metabolism starts to slow down. That doesn’t have to be the case. If you will find about a half hour each day for an activity that gets you moving some, you can not only increase your metabolism but even increase your bone density. This will go a long way in helping to prevent a bone injury in your future. These activities can be as simple as taking a nice fast walk and /or doing some resistance type exercises that you can perform almost anywhere. They will definitely help slow down that aging process. Make a plan for doing that now and you will be looking younger in no time.

Invest in a pair of large sunglasses…The larger glasses safeguard more of the delicate thin skin around your eyes where we first get wrinkles. They will also prevent you from squinting as much, therefore, lessening both wrinkles around your eyes but also your forehead.

Eat Natural Foods with Lots of Color… Many of the foods found at your local supermarket are known to speed up aging. It’s too bad but lots of people don’t know that there are also many foods that have the opposite effect. Fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, kale, oranges, plums, strawberries, and blueberries to name a few. They are all full of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that are great for contributing to healthy aging. Some of the nutrients you will find in these foods are carotenoids (like these: vitamin A, B-carotene, retinol, astaxanthin, and lycopene), and alpha lipoic acid. You will also find polyphenols, glutathione, CoQ10 and vitamins such as D, E, and C.

Consume more foods that have been proven to provide high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids… Ohio State University stated in a research study that by increasing these types of foods into your diet, you can see positive results with your joints, increased hair growth, better eyesight, more supple skin, and improvement to your immune and cardiac functions. Some of the foods to look at would be different types of seeds such as pumpkin, chia, flax, and sunflower. Also try some nuts, sardines, and other fatty fish such as salmon. Fish oil supplements can also be a choice but make sure you look for a product with a quality reputation since they can vary in quality immensely.

Alright, I have to go over a little disclaimer language here just to keep the feds happy. Even though I have spent my entire work life in some aspect of the medical field and have made a study of natural health, exercise, aging, and other areas of health for a long time, I am not a doctor or a licensed health professional. Therefore, anything I publish on this website is strictly my opinion and the videos are curated from many sources as simply a way to make presentable some information. Anything that you read or listen to on Anti Aging Blast is simply given as a service and is in no way intended nor should be interpreted as medical advice. When it comes to any type of personal health issues, diets, or exercise programs, you should always first consult with your personal doctor.

Because of my overwhelming desire to help people lead a healthy life, I felt it was necessary to put together a site where I could provide a bunch of information that would educate, maybe make you smile, stimulate, motivate, provoke interest, or maybe just tickle your fancy a little concerning the very hot topic of anti-aging. I know it is an area that many people, especially the baby boomers… since I am one of them… are concerned about and would like to discover ways to look and feel younger than our natural age.

There is quite a bit of proof out there that slowing or even reversing the aging cycle can with no doubt be done and I don’t mean by plastic surgery or shooting you up with snake venom.

Solving these aging problems will involve various approaches but most of them can be done using natural methods. These methods are for the most part painless, easy to implement and cost very little. That’s all well and good, but you still have to find just how to put the methods into practice. The reason I put this site up, Anti Aging Blast, was to give you a place where you knew you could find the latest up to the minute information concerning the topic of anti-aging.

This is where the rubber meets the road. The only way that you are going to see improvements is if you put some of what you learned into action. Not a thing happens by chance You have to implement and take some action.

I do sincerely hope you have gotten some useful value from the videos you have watched. That is why I brought this site together. I wanted to present worthwhile, action-oriented info that would allow you to reduce, prevent, or even set back some of the aging signs that make you unhappy.

One of my favorite outcomes would be to know that you found a gem here on our site that you can use in your plan to look and feel younger. If you feel like you got some value from this video we would be very happy if you would share it with friends on Facebook and if you have a Twitter account, there to if you want.

We would be very glad to have you come visit us as often as you like. The site is freshened regularly so please try to come back and visit us again soon. Please don’t leave until you do one more thing for us. Please let us know what how you feel about our website. We are hoping that your time here was well spent and you got some value from it. If so would you let us know with a comment below? We would love to know what you think because it can help us make the site even better.

We would like to say thanks for coming to see us and hope you will return soon. So long for now from Bill and the team here at Anti Aging Blast.


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