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November 26

GMO’s REVEALED Dr. Patrick Gentempo & Dr. Dan Pompa


If you ever get the opportunity, you need to watch the mini-series titled GMO’s Revealed so you can become aware of the huge dangers to you and your family.

This min-series aired back in late August I believe. They do tend to show them again though in a few months, so if you ever get the opportunity and have not already done so, then make sure you watch this 9 part series.

I can’t even begin to tell you about just how dangerous our current food supply is due to the outright criminal and deceitful government agencies, big chemical, and big food industries practices they have foisted upon us.

Is there some controversy about it…absolutely but after watching this series you will find out that study after study by very concerned and smart people have shown all the health killing ways in which these frankenfoods are attacking our bodies.

Many of the children’s health problems of today which are skyrocketing in number are caused by these GMO foods and the glycosate chemical they contain.

Even in this relatively short video, maybe long for this website, but still well worth watching to get some idea of what you can learn by watching the series. It is critical to both the short and long-term health of you and your family members.




I really hope you got some value from the video. Pretty cool right? I thought so too!

My name is Bill Hildebrand and I am the creator of AntAgingBlast, I can’t help myself about admitting… I like talking about anti-aging!

I know that many people are concerned about the effects of aging, but they don’t have any know-how about what they can do about it. There are many things that can promote anti-aging solutions.

In my experience, I have discovered six life activities if put into use and practiced regularly, will reverse the aging process. Don’t get upset, even if some sound minor, I will give you more details right here. Are you wired, because here they are!

These 6 factors are: stay active with an exercise plan, eat different foods that have high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, spend fun times with your friends, buy a large pair of sunglasses, eat a diet with lots of colorful foods, refine your thoughts about age.

OK, here are the specifics I promised earlier.

Purchase a large pair of sunglasses… By wearing the larger glasses, you will ultimately protect more of the very sensitive thin skin around your eyes from the damaging sun’s UV rays. In addition, the larger shades will help you to not squint as much, thus helping to lower not only wrinkles around the eyes but also on your forehead.

Take time to hang out with some good friends… Our crazy schedules often interfere with us having a social life. Some research studies have shown the damaging effects of high stress levels as they relate to aging. One of these is skin cell damage that can cause early aging lines on your face. Enjoying some fun times with friends can many times reduce the amount of stress we feel. Another detrimental effect of stress can be lowering the effectiveness of our immune system, thus subjecting us to possible diseases. That is not good my friend! So as you can see, taking some time for a social life can contribute to a more positive aging process.

Get Some Movement in Your Day… It’s quite well established that as you get older your metabolism gets slower. If you will find about 30 minutes each day for some vigorous action, you can increase your metabolism and also help increase the density of your bones, thus decreasing the potential for bone injuries as you age. Doing some simple resistance exercises and going on a fast-paced hike around the neighborhood are a couple of great ways to retard that old aging mechanism. Make yourself a plan for that right now and you’ll notice changes rapidly!

Make sure your diet includes plenty of foods that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids… Foods such as seeds, nuts, sardines, and fatter fish like salmon are great choices. If you also want a supplement, you can find a high-quality fish oil product. Research done at Ohio State University demonstrates that eating these types of foods can help your eyesight, strengthen hair growth, help your joints, make your skin softer, and improve both your heart and immune systems.

Eat Natural Foods with Lots of Color… Many of the foods found at your local supermarket are known to speed up aging. It’s too bad but lots of people don’t know that there are also many foods that have the opposite effect. Fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, kale, oranges, plums, strawberries, and blueberries to name a few. They are all full of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that are great for contributing to healthy aging. Some of the nutrients you will find in these foods are carotenoids (like these: vitamin A, B-carotene, retinol, astaxanthin, and lycopene), and alpha lipoic acid. You will also find polyphenols, glutathione, CoQ10 and vitamins such as D, E, and C.

Change your concept of what old means… Depending on the context, the word old can have many different meanings. Stay positive about yourself and don’t knock yourself down dwelling on what people have defined as “senior moments”. Also don’t get upset that you can’t necessarily do everything the way you used to. Some of that is simply a reality of life. However, you can think positively about what you can do and there are ways to reverse some of the things you may see as negative. Keep watching the videos on this website and you will find some good information related to many anti-aging topics. Besides, who gets to determine what the real definition of old is anyway! Only you can decide that for yourself and take the actions that will help you age gracefully and even slow the process down considerably. After all, isn’t age really just a number?

At this time, so that I don’t get classified as a bad boy, I need to make available this disclaimer language to stay in compliance with fed regulations concerning website content. Even though I have spent almost forty plus years in the healthcare space with my career and have dedicated myself to learning and studying natural health methods to promote a healthy lifestyle, I want to make it crystal clear that I am not a licensed physician or health practitioner of any sort. That being said, whatever information you find on Anti Aging Blast is simply my personal thoughts and the videos you see have been curated from a bunch sources and naturally are only the opinions of the people presenting the information. They are simply a way for me to provide you with information about the discipline of anti-aging. Anything that you read or listen to on Anti Aging Blast is simply provided as a service and is in no way intended nor should be taken as medical advice. If you have questions or concerns about any type of healthcare issue, whether that involves dieting, weight loss, exercise, or any other personal health concern, always consult with your personal physician or other healthcare professional.

The area of anti-aging seems to be a hot topic with many men and women today, maybe because a large part of the population in the US is getting older. I happen to fall into that older age group. The reason I wanted to provide this website, Anti Aging Blast was to put together as much information as a convenience to you about the topic. I hope you will find it useful, helpful, fun, educational, and maybe even blows your mind. No matter what, I really just hope you like it and you will return often. It’s not only the so called boomers who are interested in ways to both look and feel younger than there current age. The topic has concerned younger generations as well and rightfully so since the earlier we can implement some of the healthful habits, the easier it will be to slow the aging process.

Science has certainly proven that the aging process can be delayed or in some areas even reversed. Some people have taken the route of surgery or injections to accomplish this but they are expensive and have serious risks involved.

Solving these aging problems can involve various approaches but most of them can be done using natural methods. These methods are for the most part painless, easy to get started with and cost very little. But you need to be able to get a hold of the information so you can implement it. That is why a goal here at Anti Aging Blast is to consolidate as much information under one roof… so to speak… so that you can come here knowing you can find up to date information on almost a daily basis.

This is where the rubber meets the road. The only way that you are going to see improvements is if you put some of the activities into action. Not a thing happens by chance You are going to have to dig down and get to work.

Were you able to pull some helpful ideas from this video that you can get some value from? That is why I brought this site together. I hoped it would give you the best chance to use some of the latest information to slow down any aging effects you are battling.

I would really feel flattered if I knew that you were able to grab a tip from this or another video here on Anti Aging Blast and were able to make it work for you as an anti-aging help. If indeed you were able to get some help here on our website, we would be most excited if you would share it with your other people on Facebook and possibly even on Twitter.

Don’t be a stranger, come back and see us often. We put additional videos daily on the site so come back for fresh info. Before you head out, could I ask you just one more thing.? Please tell us if you had a good experience or not here at Anti Aging Blast. We are hoping that your time here was well spent and you got some value from it. If so would you let us know with a comment below? We would love to know what you think because it can help us make the site even better.

We would like to say thanks for coming to see us and hope you will return soon. Adios from the team here at


autoimmune, Cancer, chiropractor, crohn's, diabetes, dr. akiba green, Dr. Daniel Pompa, Dr. Patrick Gentempo, Dr. Pompa Live, Dr. Pompa Reveals, fibromyalgia, food sensitivity, Genetically Modified Food, Genetically Modified Organisms, Genetically Modified Organisms Facts, gentempo, gluten, GMO, GMO Facts, GMOs, GMOs Revealed, hashimotos, ibs, infertility, jason fung, migraine, Monsanto, neurological problems, peripheral neuropathy, sciatica, thyroid, Truth About GMOs, Vaccines Revealed, vertigo, weight loss,, zach bush

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