Vitamin D deficiency can have numerous serious health issues that can be cured with as little as 20-30 minutes of sun exposure.
As usual, Dr Axe goes into some good detail about the ramifications of vitamin D deficiency. His first recommendation is simply to get out into the sun for 15-25 minutes…yes without sunscreen…on a daily basis.
For people living in the upper parts of the northern hemisphere, it can be difficult during the fall, winter, and early spring time to do this.
That is where the other parts of his video instructs you on the proper foods to eat and the amount and types of vitamin D supplements to take.
I think you will be amazed at some of the health issues that are caused by not getting enough vitamin D. Maybe you can unlock the secret to some of your unexplained ills.
First and foremost is getting into the sun. It is the least expensive way and it lets your body produce the vitamin D necessary to help your body function properly.
I need to ask, did you appreciate the video? I sure hope so!
My name is Bill Hildebrand and I am the creator of AntAgingBlast, and I must admit… anti-aging information really gets me going!
Many folks are worried about aging effects, although they just don’t know what to do about it. There are many things that can contribute to anti-aging solutions.
In my experience, I have unearthed six life activities if put into action and practiced regularly, will reverse the aging process. Don’t get upset, even if some sound minor, I will give you more details right here. Are you waiting, because here they are!
The 6 actions are: invest in a pair of large sunglasses, spend time with your friends, stay active with exercise, eat foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, keep your diet colorful, change your thinking of old.
Alright, are you ready to learn why these 6 things can indeed make a difference in aging.
Make some quality time with friends… Very often we find that our hectic schedules cause us to neglect our social life. Having a social life, however, may contribute lots of ways to better aging. Research shows that our being stressed can cause damage to skin cells, leading to premature lines in your face. One of the benefits of spending time with friends is it help us lower our stress threshold. Your immune system can also be compromised by increased stress, increasing your chances for illness. Not good amigo!
Change Your Opinion Of Old… Who decides what the formal definition of what old means. The word can have many different meanings depending on the context. Don’t degrade yourself by talking about your “senior moments” or the things you can no longer do. Having a positive attitude and a good mental outlook is half the battle. When you tell yourself that you are old and can’t do things, it becomes the truth. Instead, focus on all the things you can do and remember, age is just a number.
Put some vigorous step in your day… I think we all know that as we get older our metabolism starts to slow down. That doesn’t have to be the case. If you will find about a half hour each day for an activity that gets you moving some, you can not only increase your metabolism but even increase your bone density. This will go a long way in helping to prevent a bone injury in your future. These activities can be as simple as taking a nice fast walk and /or doing some resistance type exercises that you can perform almost anywhere. They will definitely help slow down that aging process. Make a plan for doing that now and you will be looking younger in no time.
Purchase a large pair of sunglasses… By wearing the larger glasses, you will ultimately safeguard more of the very sensitive thin skin around your eyes from the damaging sun’s UV rays. In addition, the larger shades will help you to not squint as much, thus helping to scale down not only wrinkles around the eyes but also on your forehead.
Eat a lot of colorful fruits and vegetables for anti-aging… Some really good examples of these foods that slow down and even reverse aging are strawberries, oranges, plums, blueberries, kale and broccoli. They are all chock full of super nutrients like CoQ10, polyphenols, glutathione, along with vitamins C, D and E. Other powerful nutrients are alpha lipoic acid and carotenoids such as (B-carotene, vitamin A, astaxanthin, retinol, and lycopene). We also know there are many nasty foods all over the supermarket that contribute to the aging process. You want to avoid these like the plague. Shop the out isles and avoid as many of the prepackaged foods as you can. Shop farmers markets during the summer and fall months when they are brimming with fresh and hopefully organically grown produce.
Eat Food That is High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids… A study done by Ohio State University shows these foods can help everything from your joints, eyesight, and hair growth to making your skin look supple and improving your heart and immune functions. You can increase your intake of foods such as seeds, nuts, sardines, or salmon. If you want to take a supplement, fish oil capsules are a good choice. Make it a high-quality product however.
At this time, I need to provide a bit of disclaimer text so as to stay within current public notification regulations. My whole working life has been central to the healthcare field in one aspect or another. I have also been a disciple of natural health, the aging phenomenon, fitness and exercise, healthy eating, and other areas within the healthcare arena. However, I am not a physician or a duly licensed healthcare professional of any kind. The text and videos that you find on this website are very simply a way for me to show you with a lot of information in one convenient location. Some of it is based on my studies of the subjects but is still just my beliefs. I curate the videos from many sites and the information there is then the opinion of each presenter. Anything that you read or listen to on Anti Aging Blast is simply meant as a service and is in no way intended nor should be acted on as medical advice. You should always seek advice with your personal physician or other health professional about exercise programs, diets, or any other health issues.
Because of my strong desire to help people lead a healthy life, I felt it was imperative to put together a site where I could provide a bunch of information that would educate, maybe make you smile, stimulate, motivate, provoke interest, or maybe just tickle your fancy a little concerning the very hot topic of anti-aging. I know it is an area that many people, especially the baby boomers… since I am one of them… are concerned about and would like to discover ways to look and feel younger than our natural age.
There is plenty of proof out there that slowing or even reversing the aging cycle can absolutely be done and I don’t mean by plastic surgery or shooting you up with snake venom.
These anti-aging methods can be solved in many cases using totally natural methods. Most are not costly, painful or difficult. That’s all well and good, but you still have to find just how to put the methods into practice. That is why one of my goals here at Anti Aging Blast is to consolidate as much information under one roof… so to speak… so that you can come here knowing you can find current information on almost a daily basis.
This is where the rubber meets the road. None of the info you have found on this website will do you any good unless you put it to use. Nothing just happens by chance. You are going to have to dig down and get to work.
I do hope you have gotten some useful value from the videos you have seen. That was the purpose for me building this site. To provide actionable, valuable information that you could use to either prevent, slow down, or reverse signs of aging that you are not exactly happy about.
One of my favorite outcomes would be to know that you found a gem here on our site that you can use in your efforts to look and feel younger. If you hopefully think you got some value from this video we would be very happy if you would share it with friends on Facebook and if you have a Twitter account, there as well.
We would be very glad to have you come visit us as often as you like. The site is updated regularly so please try to come back and visit us again soon. There is one more favor I would like to ask you before you go. We would love to know what your experience was here at our website. We are hoping that your time here was well spent and you got some value from it. If so would you let us know with a comment below? We will use the information you feedback to us to make improvements to our website.
Thank you for visiting us and please do come to see us soon. Adios and have a good day. Your friends at Anti Aging Blast