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November 23

Unicorn Toast


This unicorn toast healthy breakfast may inspire that finicky child eater you have.

Do you have any kids that are maybe fussy eaters? This unicorn toast recipe may be just what you need to prod them into trying it out.

All of the ingredients are of course natural and healthy. They add some color and of course if you embellish the unicorn theme that can help as well.

It sure as heck beats giving them artificial vitamins which for the most part don’t do anything because the body does not recognize them as natural.

Of course the breakfast isn’t just for kids either, since it provides lots of healthy nutrients for anyone.



I hope the video helped you out. I’m really glad you watched it. I hope you got a thing or two useful from it.

I’m Bill, the creator of AntiAgingBlast, and I have to admit… anti-aging gets me excited and I hope it does that for you too!

A lot of people would like to do something about aging, although they just don’t have an idea what to do about it. There are many things that can enhance anti-aging solutions.

There are six major life factors that when done regularly can really slow down aging symptoms. Even though some of these may seem relatively inconsequential, I promise to give you information right around the corner here. Get prepped, you might be offended!

The six areas are: spend time with friends, stay active by exercising, buy a pair of big sunglasses, buy foods that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, eat colorful foods on a regular basis, adjust your beliefs about being old.

OK, here are the specifics I promised earlier.

Buy a pair of big sunglasses… Bigger sunglasses safeguard against the UV sun rays that damage the thin, delicate skin around the eyes and where wrinkles first appear. They also help you to squint less, therefore developing fewer wrinkles around your eyes and even your forehead.

Spend time with your friends… Oftentimes we find our schedules to be so hectic that we
neglect to make time for a social life. However, having a social life can help you age better in
many ways. The biggest thing making time for friends will accomplish is lowering your stress
level. Studies have shown that being stressed out damages your skin cells, which leads to
premature lines. Stress can also lower your immune system leading you to a more likely chance
of becoming ill. Yuck!

Put some vigorous step in your day… I think we all know that as we get older our metabolism starts to slow down. That doesn’t have to be the case. If you will find about a half hour each day for an activity that gets you moving some, you can not only increase your metabolism but even increase your bone density. This will go a long way in helping to prevent a bone injury in your future. These activities can be as simple as taking a nice fast walk and /or doing some resistance type exercises that you can perform almost anywhere. They will definitely help slow down that aging process. Make a plan for doing that now and you will be looking younger in no time.

Make sure your diet includes plenty of foods that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids… Foods such as seeds, nuts, sardines, and fatter fish like salmon are great choices. If you also want a supplement, you can find a high-quality fish oil product. Research done at Ohio State University demonstrates that eating these types of foods can help your eyesight, strengthen hair growth, help your joints, make your skin softer, and improve both your heart and immune systems.

Eat a lot of colorful fruits and vegetables for anti-aging… Some really good examples of these foods that slow down and even reverse aging are strawberries, oranges, plums, blueberries, kale and broccoli. They are all chock full of super nutrients like CoQ10, polyphenols, glutathione, along with vitamins C, D and E. Other powerful nutrients are alpha lipoic acid and carotenoids such as (B-carotene, vitamin A, astaxanthin, retinol, and lycopene). We also know there are many nasty foods all over the supermarket that contribute to the aging process. You want to avoid these like the plague. Shop the out isles and avoid as many of the prepackaged foods as you can. Shop farmers markets during the summer and fall months when they are brimming with fresh and hopefully organically grown produce.

Change your concept of what old means… Depending on the context, the word old can have many different meanings. Stay positive about yourself and don’t knock yourself down dwelling on what people have defined as “senior moments”. Also don’t get upset that you can’t necessarily do everything the way you used to. Some of that is simply a reality of life. However, you can think positively about what you can do and there are ways to reverse some of the things you may see as negative. Keep watching the videos on this website and you will find some good information related to many anti-aging topics. Besides, who gets to determine what the real definition of old is anyway! Only you can decide that for yourself and take the actions that will help you age gracefully and even slow the process down considerably. After all, isn’t age really just a number?

It’s time, I have to go over a little disclaimer language here just to keep the feds happy. Even though I have spent almost forty years in the healthcare space with my career and have dedicated myself to learning and studying natural health methods to promote a healthy lifestyle, I want to make it absolutely clear that I am not a licensed practicing doctor or health practitioner of any sort. Therefore, anything I say on this website is absolutely just my opinion and the videos are curated from lots of sources as simply a way to make presentable some information. Anything that you read or listen to on Anti Aging Blast is simply provided as a service and is in no way intended nor should be taken as medical advice. You should always consult with your personal physician or other health professional about exercise programs, diets, or any other health issues.

I am just a concerned guy who is interested in collating lots of what I hope you feel is educational, interesting, maybe even humorous, stimulating, motivational, or just rocks your boat about the subject of anti-aging. I know a lot of the baby boomer generation and even many younger people are interested in uncovering ways to look and feel younger. Maybe it is vanity for some but I hope mostly it is because they are concerned about their overall health as well because that is where the action should really be.

There is plenty of proof out there that slowing or even reversing the aging cycle can without a doubt be done and I don’t mean by cosmetic surgery or shooting you up with snake venom.

Solving these aging problems will involve various approaches but most of them can be done using natural methods. Most are not very expensive, painful or difficult. However, you need to find the information. The answer is right here in front of you. My purpose for putting together this website was to bring as much current information together at one location so you could always know that you can come back here over and over and get the most recent information about the topic of anti-aging.

Well, it’s time to get down to it. If you don’t put some of the activities you have found on this site to use, nothing will happen. There is no chance that something is going to happen all by itself. Take a deep breath and just simply go for it and you will be amazed.

Were you able to pull something from this video that you can get some value from? That was the purpose for me building this site. I wanted to present worthwhile, action-oriented educational information that would allow you to reduce, prevent, or even set back some of the aging signs that make you anxious about aging.

One of my favorite successes would be to know that you found a gem here on our site that you can use in your actions to look and feel younger. If you hopefully think you got some value from this video we would be very happy if you would share it with friends on Facebook and if you have a Twitter account, there to.

Please come back and pay us a visit often. We’ll miss you while you’re gone. The site is updated regularly so please try to come back and visit us again soon. Hope you’re not heading out yet, but before you do go will you do us one more favor? Please give us the word how you liked or maybe not our site. We are very interested to know what your impression is of our site and whether you received some value from your visit. Please leave a short comment to tell us how you did. We will use the information you feedback to us to make improvements to our website.

We would like to say thanks for coming to see us and hope you will return soon. So long for now from Bill and the team members here at Anti Aging Blast.


berries, coconut milk yogurt, colorful, Drew Canole, FitLifeTV, juicing juicing recipes, juicing vegetables, organifi green juice, organifi red juice, superfoods, Toast, Unicorn, unicorn toast, unicorn toast recipe, weight loss

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